Be careful ! List of fake Antivirus/ Antispyware products
Following are not an Antivirus, But they look like an Antivirus application
Advanced Cleaner | ContraVirus | PC SpeedScan Pro | Spyware Stormer |
AlfaCleaner | Doctor Antivirus | PestTrap | SpywareStrike |
AntiSpyCheck 2.1 | DriveCleaner | Perfect Cleaner | Spy-Rid |
AntiSpyStorm | Disk Knight | PAL Spyware Remover | SpyWiper |
AntiSpywareBot | EasySpywareCleaner | PCPrivacytool | System Live Protect |
AntiSpywareExpert | Errorsafe | PC-Antispyware | SystemDoctor |
AntiSpywareMaster | free-viruscan. com | PSGuard | TrustedAntivirus |
AntiSpywareSuite | IE Antivirus | SecurePCCleaner | TheSpyBot |
AntiSpyware 2008 XP | IEDefender | Security toolbar 7.1 | UltimateCleaner |
Antivermins | InfeStop | SpyAxe | VirusHeat |
Antivirgear | KVMSecure | Spy Away | Virus Isolator |
Antivirus 2008 | MacSweeper | SpyCrush | VirusProtectPro |
Antivirus 2009 | MalCrush 3.7 | Spydawn | VirusRanger |
AntiVirus Gold | MalwareCore | SpyGuarder | Vista Antivirus 2008 |
Antivirus Master | MalwareAlarm | SpyHeal | WinAntiVirus Pro 2006 |
Antivirus XP 2008 | Malware Bell 3.2 | Spylocked | WinFixer |
Awola 6.0 | Microsoft AntiVirus | SpySheriff | WinSpywareProtect |
Brave Sentry | PCSecureSystem | SpySpotter | WorldAntiSpy |
BestsellerAntivirus | PC Antispy | Spyware Cleaner | XP Antivirus |
Cleanator | PC Clean Pro | Spyware Quake | XoftSpySE